What is Boundless Energy?
Boundless Energy is centered on “Joyercise“, Kirstin Orr’s personal fitness workout out-of-doors, amidst the gardens, fields and forest! You will hardly see a car or even another person! It is actually like a meditation, because the only thing you think about are the plants and flowers. Let Kristin “Mrs. Botany” launch you onto your Boundless Energy journey! It is possible to get your body back in Energy-Generating Mode!
Her Boundless Energy
Kristin has had enough people tell her, “I don’t want 6-pack abs. I just want your energy!” or “I’m going to take a nap here in my car after watching you!” So now, she is going to bring you along on the Joyous Journey of being in shape while you are out amidst her flowers and fields!
Her Roots
Growing up on the farm gave her muscles. But she never specifically did a “workout” until she met Peter at UCONN and had to run as fast as he did, to impress him! At Penn State, she studied Human Anatomy and Physiology. When they moved to Stonington, she started “Body Dynamics”, private, in-home exercise classes for those living between Watch Hill and New London. She knows people get their best results and energy by working out 3 times a week.
Continuing Education

Kristin became certified by the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. She gained additional skills and knowledge at Springfield College of Sports Medicine – which was totally awesome! She taught rowing classes on the Mystic River – until a 40-ft sailboat hit her rowing shell one day! Her body wasn’t hurt – but her pride was. She jumped back in the boat, rowed home, and told Peter to quit his job because they were going farming!
Now after so many years of farming, Kristin is re-certified by AFAA and ready to share her “boundless energy” with others – joyercising or walking among all the beauty of the quintessential gardens at Fort Hill Farms. Enjoy her gardens – filled with luscious colors and smells of sweet lavender

Nature Walk
The Nature Walk is perfect for everyone of all ages. You will see butterflies, as well as the many flowers during this walk in the natural beauty and wide open spaces of Fort Hill Farms.
Recommended for women 18 to 108. Every woman will get a personalized workout where she can get energized in fresh open air! Kristin will give you a fitness assessment and start from there! Due to COVID restrictions, Joyercise is limited to one woman. $55
Botany Walk
Enjoy a personal botany lesson as you tour the gardens filled with unusual, colorful, luscious flowers with Kristin, “Mrs. Botany”. Every week is a new experience.
- Sunday: 11:00am to 4:00pm
- Monday: closed
- Tuesday-Saturday: 2:00pm to 4:00pm